
Many therapists, including Lisa Rogers, struggle to know where to invest time and energy into marketing their practice. They become counseling professional to help people, not to deal with search engine and website optimization. That’s where we were able to step in and provide guidance for Lisa. Now her practice is on a new trajectory of organic lead generation.

Lisa Rogers came to us looking for help in establishing her online visibility. She felt stuck and confused. She had an existing site that was a bit unorganized and outdated. With no clear focus on targeting a specific audience the organic visibility of her website was essentially zero. Lisa’s practice was also expanding, seeking to add a virtual counseling option across state-lines.

The Approach

Our Website and SEO effort for Lisa Rogers Counseling has focused on three things

1. Building a Website That Works to Generate Phone Calls – Our goal was to build a site that browsers found helpful, that was organized for intuitive browsing and led to more inquiry calls. We rebuilt the site with updated technology and full keyword strategy to begin to target the the right audience that made sense for the business.

2. Create New SEO Friendly Content – Every SEO campaign that includes new relevant content performs better and this was no different. We began to produce 3 SEO-friendly articles a month based around our keyword research and the business’s target audience. These began to signal to Google that Lisa has expertise and authority in the therapy space.

3. Full SEO Campaign – We’ve provided holistic and comprehensive SEO guidance for Lisa. Reporting, Communication, Technical SEO, Content, On-Site SEO and Offsite-SEO. All the things that make your head spin, we’ve invested time and energy ticking off the most valuable action steps.

The Results

We’ve passed some significant milestones over the last 1.5 years of working with Lisa. It’s taken time to get initial traction, but thanks to Lisa’s patience and our commitment to staying the course we’ve seen transformative growth. With massively increased organic visibility, Lisa Rogers counseling now has incoming organic leads every week. She also has a website that works to drive phone calls to her even while she’s sleeping. She’s confident her online presence is targeting the right people that she can help with her therapy.

***Interested in exploring SEO? We can help your business climb the rankings and generate new business. Schedule a short phone call and our team will help you make informed decisions and discuss is SEO is a good next step for your business.


Partner with Us

Since 2010, the team at Center Street Digital has been designing websites and helping small businesses increase their organic visibility on the Internet. We’re real people who can help put your website to work and help you sleep better a night